Kim Possible is officially finished.
I honestly thought I'd be a little more emotional about the last day, but there was a full schedule and there wasn't much time to stop and wax nostalgic. We started the day with a 11:00 playback of the last episode for Mark, Bob, Clay and myself to give the final sign-off. There were no jokes and no wisecracks as we were just totally involved in the episode and we very pleased with the results. The final episode was a very tough road. There was extensive re-writing all the way through the process including the final days of animatic. We had, at least, three alternate endings that were fully storyboarded and recorded. In fact, the 'big' moment at the end was conceived at the last minute.

(Panels from an alternate ending)
As the final frames played, I called out "Well, that's it" and we had a round of applause for the core crew of KP bigwigs. Mark, Bob and I posed for one last photo and they ran off to their Nickelodeon digs.

The day before we had arranged for a select group of KP crew to come down to the studio and see the final episodes. They came from various studios to be there and they included Nick Filippi, Andy Ice, Louie Del Carmen, Anna Boyadjian and Wade Wisinski. It was great to see everyone again and everybody really liked the finale. After that, I packed up my last box and headed off to my final meeting at another building regarding a Kim Possible project that is being worked on (and has been worked on for a while). I can not speak about it, but I think some of you clever guys will figure it out.
And in that 96 degree parking lot ,at some building I've never been to before, closed the final chapter in the longest running series I had ever worked on.
This has been a fantastic experience and I'm very proud of the work we've done and I want to thank everyone that ever had a hand in any Kim Possible episode. Very special thanks go to the two people I've had the longest working relationship in my career- Mr. Mark McCorkle and Mr. Robert Schooley. I'll see you guys at the new office.
But the biggest thank you goes to you. I've never gotten to know a fan base as special as the KP fan base. I've met some remarkable people and had the pleasure of interacting with the audience in a way I've never done before. You guys are the best and when things got tough, it's knowing that the KP fans were out there is what gave us the energy to pull through. In the most sincere way possible- thanks.

(last panel from an alternate ending- All images owned by Disney)

'Soundtrack Of My Life' for the week of 7/12-
Crowded House- Time On Earth. I can't stop listening to this album. 'Sometimes you have to turn the wrong way around'